Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Awakening

*In the distance… the fingers of the One scratch through the fabric of Night, casting the light onto a mournful stage ... with an ancient keep as a destiny to be reached by a bedraggled character seen by the audience of the shadows ... and maybe the “Old Man”... as he watches the drama unfold in the cystal sphere, while he smokes on his pipe ... and sips a personal brew*

...I do not know what attacked me... the gentle rain that wakened me ... with it's pitter patter nudges ... left no visions in its puddles ... nor could I hear a message in the howling wind ... that I could distinguish... other than a strange laughter...

...my mind seems to be sinking to my feet ... like sand in an hour glass ...so sick ... like part of my soul is dying ... with a rhythm set by the pounding hammers in my head

*feebly cleans blade of a dagger on tattered cloak*

What ever it was that came at me, out of the DarKness, was very swift...
I managed to gouge out one of it’s eyes, I know that for sure because it is still in my clenched hand ... a souvenir of my struggle ... a reward for being lucky ... that being was unnatural, a creature like I have never seen.
The keep, I must force my weighted legs ... which are burdening me with their lack of desire to move my ass…

*in the distance, the Fingers of the One reach down and scatters the DarKness turning night into day {needs editing 12/11}… and thunder roars in the distance… echoing into a future time… and becomes the sound of music … known as …*

*one of the Gargoyles perched in a lonely corner atop the keep opens it’s eyes … and grins…*